Habitat Management Services
We have over two decades of experience in environmental contracting, underpinned by over thirty years of ecological consultancy. Whether your project relates to an aquatic or terrestrial habitat, we would love to hear from you.
Our services are trusted by
Other ways we can help
Environmental Contracting
From invasive species management to soft landscaping, we have the depth of resources to carry out your project from concept to completion.
Fisheries Management
Our consultancy team bring expertise in Fisheries Management, including health assessments, water quality analysis, floating plant islands and more.
Land Management
We produce Land Management Plans for a range of sites from small urban green spaces to national nature reserves. Speak to our team today about your requirements.
Water Quality Management
Through our brand, Lake Aid, we provide commercial solutions to water quality treatments, water aeration, ultrasonic algae control, lake fountains and pond dyes.
Whatever the scale, you are in safe hands since we are quality assured to ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.
Ask us about our coir rolls
Our nursery in Norfolk offers one of the largest commercial spaces in the UK for growing pre-vegetated coir rolls.