Ecological Clerk of Works
Serving as Ecological Clerk of Works, we are equipped to carry out various tasks of managing the execution of planning conditions and developments from ecological watching brief, detailed reports, mitigation measures and on site presence.
Some of our services provided within our Ecological Clerk of Works programs include.
Advice on, and monitoring of, construction activities
Breeding birds, protected mammals, reptiles, amphibians
Compliance monitoring and advice provision
Construction exclusion zones
Detail contained in CMSs, SPPs and EPPs
Dewatering and runoff control
Ecological information relevant to particular tasks
Ecological watching brief of the local authority / statutory agencies
Environmental and Ecological Protection Meetings
EPS licences
Incident reports.
Micro-siting infrastructure features
Mitigation and restoration
Monitoring execution and effectiveness of pollution prevention strategies
Pre-construction checks for sensitive habitats and protected species
Record keeping and reporting advice given and action taken
Site inductions, Toolbox Talks and meetings
Species Protection Plans
Water Pollution Prevention
Get in touch with our team if you need any advice on our consultancy services.