Fish Health
If you have an urgent fish health or welfare issue then please call 01953 886824 and ask to speak to a consultant.
AGA Group Consultancy offers fish health support which is closely aligned but certainly not restricted to its Fishery Management function. AGA consultants are often requested by the compani’s clients to attend a fishery to diagnose and advise on fish health and welfare issues.
Health checks
Ash Girdler AGA’s Principal Consultant is accredited by the Institute of Fisheries Management to perform health checks in support of the fish movements under the procedures for the implementation of “The Keeping and Introduction of Fish (England and River Esk Catchment Area) Regulations 2015”.
Spiny-headed Worm (Acanthocephala)
(link opens in a new window)
Fish health checks are carried out to help protect fish and the water environment from harmful parasites and diseases.
The examination is based on a representative sample of the fish to be stocked being selected for a health check. The check involves an internal and external examination to look for parasites and signs of disease.
A health check will not guarantee fish are disease free, but it greatly reduces the risk of introducing anything harmful to fisheries and the environment.
Do I need a health check?
Health checks can be either ‘Mandatory’ or ‘Non-mandatory’. Mandatory health checks as required by the Environment Agency (EA) were formerly known as ‘Section 30’ health checks, this legislation has been replaced with new fish movements legislation, which is “The Keeping and Introduction of Fish (England and River Esk Catchment Area) Regulations 2015”. (KIF) This legislation is also regulated by the EA.
The examination of the fish is carried out to provide for the requirements of the site permits issued to fisheries under the ‘KIF’ legislation. The fishery owner will know from their site permit if their site is considered to be ‘Mandatory’ or ‘Non-Mandatory’
When the EA through the fisheries site permit site does not require a Mandatory health check it is respectfully suggested that the risk from disease does not become less it simply becomes your risk alone.
AGA is here to help with good advice should wherever possible be evidence led so a health check and report is a great place to start, it will offer peace of mind that the fish 9your investment is suitable and ‘fit for purpose’.
Fish health checks are valid for:
6 months for coarse fish
12 months for farmed trout and salmon
What fish should I submit for a health check?
The fish you select for a health check must be representative of the fish that will be stocked. There are rules about the species, number, and size of fish that need to be examined (known as ‘Fish size rules for health checks’). (link opens in a new window)
In summary, you must submit a minimum of:
30 fish in total
10 fish of each species intended for stocking
5 fish from each size category of species intended for stocking
You can deliver the fish to us yourself, or use a courier.
Get in touch with our team if you need any advice on our consultancy services.