Stone Gabions
There are a multitude of ways to prevent erosion along rivers, and there certainly isn't a one-size-fits-all solution, however, when it comes to channels with a high velocity or the need for instant bank stabilisation, there are few options more suitable than stone gabions.
Although technically a hard engineering solution (despite being filled with natural materials), gabion walls actually deliver a far higher degree of flexibility over concrete embankments and sheet piling.
The strength and efficiency of gabions increase over time as granular materials fill the tiny voids between the rocks, thus creating a growing medium for bank stabilising plants. Coupled with the sheer mass and weight, gabion walls become practically immovable and are therefore an ideal solution in the prevention of land slippage. This makes them an excellent solution to controlling river bank erosion.
Unlike concrete embankments and sheet piling, stone gabions can also be hydroseeded, quickly giving the visual appearance of a soft-engineered, organic solution.
Our super-strong galvanised wire mesh panels
Key advantages of stone gabions
Water permeability
It is much easier to work with water than against it, therefore employing permeable solutions through which water can drain is often an advantage over non-permeable materials that allow water to pool.
Despite being extraordinarily heavy once installed, gabion walls can flex with natural ground movements (such as land shrinkage and expansion).
Originating from the Italian word "gabbione" meaning "big cage", gabions, as we know them today, are rectangular-shaped containers made from steel wire mesh. Manufactured in a variety of mesh diameters and coatings, gabions have a lifespan of up to 120 years.
Economy of space
Reducing the gradient of slopes as a means of reducing the rate of erosion isn't always feasible; especially in small spaces. Gabion walls are a fantastic solution where steep sides are unavoidable.
Due to their attractiveness, particularly at a low level, gabion walls are often used as retaining walls in garden landscaping. Other uses include all-weather garden furniture, dividing walls, decorative steps, water fountains and more!
Get in touch to discuss if stone gabions are the right solution for your project.