Tiptree Grove Pond

Project information

Start: 11 August 2022
End: 18 November 2022
Location: Tiptree, Essex
Project: Pond restoration
Client: Tiptree Parish Council

Project description

The A.G.A. Group has been contracted to carry out extensive repairs and restoration to the two ponds, to reestablish them as a community centerpiece for years to come.

First, we will be catching and temporarily rehoming the fish from the pond, before it is drained. Once the pond is empty, we will be removing silt (for reuse) and carrying out cleaning and repairs to the walls, banks and walkways of both ponds. We will then refill the ponds, and reintroduce the fish.

 The silt from the main pond will be reused to backfill revetments constructed from coir rolls pre-planted with marginal plants and gabion baskets to create additional habitat and to help stabilise the banks.

 The project completion date is October 14th and any updates on the timeline can be found here.